Optimizing Selenium Test for Microsoft Edge Browser Compatibility

Optimizing Selenium Test for Microsoft Edge Browser Compatibility

Optimizing Selenium tests for Microsoft Edge online browser compatibility ensures smooth execution and reliable results. This blog provides effective insights and strategies to enhance your Selenium test automation setup and ensure compatibility with Microsoft Edge across different versions.

Understanding Edge Versions

Microsoft Edge Online has undergone a significant architectural transition, recently moving from EdgeHTML to a Chromium-based structure. This marks a fundamental change in the current browser technology. 

With the adoption of the Chromium engine, Edge users can now experience enhanced compatibility, improved performance, and better support for modern web standards. This aligns Edge more closely with other popular browsers to provide the best browsing experience for users across different platforms.

Chromium-based Edge (default)

The current Edge version is built on the Chromium engine like Google Chrome.

  • Advantages: Offers compatibility with modern web standards and improved performance.
  • Updates: Benefits from continuous updates and contributions from the open-source Chromium project to ensure alignment with the latest web developments.

Legacy Edge (EdgeHTML)

Older versions (pre-January 2020) of Edge utilizing the EdgeHTML engine.

  • Characteristics: This may require specific handling and considerations for compatibility due to differences in rendering behavior and web standards support compared to Chromium-based Edge.
  • Transition: Preceded the Chromium-based Edge and was replaced as the default version in January 2020.

Developers must understand the difference between these Edge versions to ensure website and application compatibility with both legacy and current versions of Edge. It also informs the selection of appropriate WebDriver and testing strategies when conducting browser compatibility testing with Selenium.

Test Configuration

Before writing a single line of test code, you must understand which version of Microsoft Edge online your tests should target. 

Target the right Edge version

Before configuring your Selenium tests, it’s crucial to determine which versions of Microsoft Edge online you need to support. If you’re targeting modern web standards and compatibility, you’ll likely focus on the current Chromium-based Edge version. If you have specific requirements, you may need to support older versions that use the EdgeHTML engine.

Once you’ve identified the Edge versions you need to support, visit the Microsoft Edge WebDriver page to download the corresponding WebDriver executable for your chosen version. Ensure that you’re using the WebDriver that matches the version of Edge installed on your testing environment. This step is crucial for ensuring compatibility and reliable test execution.

Use WebDriver Manager (Optional)

Using WebDriver Manager automates the management of WebDriver executables to simplify the setup and maintenance of your Selenium testing environment. While optional, it enhances workflow and ensures you have the latest compatible WebDriver version without manual intervention.

Here’s how WebDriver Manager typically works

  • It automatically detects the browser and the version installed on your system.
  • It downloads the appropriate WebDriver executable for the detected browser version.
  • It configures the WebDriver executable path for Selenium to use during test execution.
  • WebDriver Manager automates the downloading and updating WebDriver executables to reduce compatibility risks. 
  • It simplifies managing multiple WebDriver versions for cross-browser testing.

While WebDriver Manager is optional, its usage can improve the efficiency of your Selenium test automation setup in dynamic environments where browser versions frequently update. Consider integrating WebDriver Manager into your Selenium test configuration to enhance your testing process and focus more on test development and execution rather than WebDriver management.

Enhancing Selenium Tests for Compatibility with Microsoft Edge Browser

Optimizing Selenium tests for Microsoft Edge Online browser compatibility involves several considerations to ensure smooth execution and reliable results.

Use Appropriate WebDriver

Using the appropriate WebDriver is essential for Selenium testing with Microsoft Edge online. To ensure compatibility, visit the Microsoft Edge WebDriver page to find the necessary WebDriver executables created for Edge.

Select the WebDriver version that corresponds to your specific Edge browser version. Matching the WebDriver version with your Edge browser version is crucial to avoid compatibility issues and ensure smooth testing operations.

Downloading the correct WebDriver executable ensures that Selenium can interact with the Edge browser to automate your tests. Failure to use the appropriate WebDriver version may result in errors or unexpected behavior during test execution.

Regularly check for updates on the Microsoft Edge WebDriver page to align with any changes or improvements. Keeping your WebDriver up to date ensures ongoing compatibility with the latest versions of Edge to conduct reliable and efficient browser compatibility testing with Selenium.

Version Compatibility

Ensuring version compatibility between Selenium WebDriver and your Microsoft Edge online browser version is essential for maintaining stable and reliable test execution. Edge and Selenium WebDriver undergo updates to enhance performance, security, and feature compatibility. Regularly updating and staying informed about new releases is crucial to ensure your WebDriver remains compatible with the latest Microsoft Edge browser version. This practice mitigates risks and ensures your Selenium tests run smoothly online.

One effective way to stay informed about updates is to subscribe to release notes or follow official announcements from Microsoft Edge and the Selenium project. Automation tools or scripts to check for updates can improve the process and ensure timely updates.

You can maintain the integrity and effectiveness of your Selenium test automation on Microsoft Edge online by prioritizing version compatibility and enabling you to validate web applications across different browser versions.

Capabilities Configuration

Configuring appropriate capabilities in your Selenium test script is crucial for accurately targeting the Microsoft Edge online browser. You can ensure that your tests run on Edge and enable customization for specific configurations if required by specifying the correct capabilities. Below is a code snippet that shows how to configure Edge options in Python

from selenium import webdriver

# Specify Microsoft Edge as the browser
edge_options = webdriver.EdgeOptions()
edge_options.use_chromium = True
# Add any additional options if needed

# Instantiate the WebDriver with Edge options
driver = webdriver.Edge(options=edge_options)

In this code snippet

  • We create an instance of EdgeOptions() to specify Microsoft Edge online browser settings.
  • Finally, we instantiate the WebDriver with the specified Edge options.

This configuration ensures that your Selenium tests are executed on the Microsoft Edge Online browser with the desired settings and provides a reliable environment for testing web applications. Adjustments can be made to the Edge options based on your testing requirements and specific use cases.

Page Load Strategy

Adjusting the page load strategy in your Selenium tests can help handle variations in default behaviors between browsers, including Microsoft Edge. You can manage page-loading scenarios more effectively by setting the page-load strategy explicitly and ensuring that your tests wait for pages to load completely before proceeding. Below is a code snippet that shows how to set the page load strategy to “eager” for Microsoft Edge in Python:

from selenium import webdriver

# Specify Microsoft Edge as the browser
edge_options = webdriver.EdgeOptions()
edge_options.use_chromium = True

# Set page load strategy to eager
edge_options.page_load_strategy = ‘eager’

# Instantiate the WebDriver with Edge options
driver = webdriver.Edge(options=edge_options)

By configuring the page load strategy in this way, your Selenium tests on Microsoft Edge can handle page loading more efficiently, ensuring that interactions with elements on the page occur only after the page content is fully loaded and ready for interaction. The page load strategy can be adjusted based on your specific testing requirements and scenarios.

Handling Edge-specific Behaviors

Handling Edge-specific behaviors in your Selenium tests is crucial to ensure consistent and reliable test execution across different browsers. Here are some steps to effectively manage Edge-specific behaviors:

  • Thorough Testing on Edge: Begin by thoroughly testing your web application on the Microsoft Edge browser. This involves executing all relevant test scenarios to identify any behaviors or quirks specific to Edge that might affect your tests. Pay attention to rendering differences, element visibility, JavaScript execution, and any other Edge-specific behaviors.
  • Handle Edge-Specific Scenarios: Review your Selenium test scripts and identify any scenarios that may be impacted by Edge-specific behaviors. For example, if Edge renders certain elements differently or uniquely handles JavaScript events, adjust your test scripts to accommodate these differences.
  • Conditional Logic: Implement conditional logic in your test scripts to handle Edge-specific scenarios. This could involve using browser detection techniques to execute specific steps or assertions only when the tests run on Edge. For example:
if driver.capabilities[‘browserName’] == ‘MicrosoftEdge’:
    # Execute Edge-specific steps
    # Execute default steps
  • Cloud platforms: Cloud platforms offer scalability and flexibility. With on-demand resources, teams can dynamically scale cloud testing environments. Integrating Selenium tests allows parallel execution across browser configurations, including Microsoft Edge, to reduce testing time. Cloud platforms like LambdaTest often include built-in test management and reporting features to enhance testing workflows and pipeline integration. 

LambdaTest is an AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform that runs manual and automated tests at scale. The platform allows you to perform real-time and automation testing across 3000+ environments and real mobile devices.

Explicit Waits

Explicit waits are invaluable for ensuring that your Selenium tests interact with elements only when ready, mitigating timing issues, and enhancing test reliability across browsers, including Microsoft Edge. Here’s how to implement explicit waits using Python and Selenium:

# Wait for the element to be clickable
element = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(
    EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.ID, ‘element_id’))

By utilizing explicit waits in your Selenium tests, you ensure that the tests pause execution until the desired element is present, visible, and ready for interaction. This approach enhances the effectiveness of your tests, especially in scenarios where elements may take varying amounts of time to load or become intractable. Explicit waits help maintain consistency and reliability across different browsers to ensure your tests perform as expected on Microsoft Edge and other browsers.

Headless Testing

Running Selenium tests in headless mode for Microsoft Edge can offer several benefits, including improved performance and scalability. Below is a code shows how to set Microsoft Edge to run in headless mode using Python and Selenium

from selenium import webdriver

# Specify Microsoft Edge as the browser
edge_options = webdriver.EdgeOptions()
edge_options.use_chromium = True

# Set Edge to run in headless mode

# Instantiate the WebDriver with Edge options
driver = webdriver.Edge(options=edge_options)

Running Selenium tests in headless mode for Microsoft Edge can improve your testing process and help you execute tests faster and more efficiently while integrating them into your automated testing workflows. 

Following these detailed steps, you can optimize your Selenium tests for Microsoft Edge browser compatibility and ensure consistent and reliable test results across different browsers.


In conclusion, optimizing Selenium tests for Microsoft Edge compatibility demands careful consideration of version distinctions, WebDriver management, and test configuration. By utilizing appropriate WebDriver versions, configuring capabilities accurately, and addressing Edge-specific behaviors, testers can ensure effective and consistent test execution. Incorporating these strategies enhances compatibility with Edge and increases overall browser compatibility testing efforts to deliver high-quality web applications across diverse environments.

By admin

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